
Welcome to our information website about the magnificent representatives of fauna – monarch butterflies! We are extremely happy to introduce these magnificent creatures with wings that are able to impress your imagination from the first sight.

While working as an engineer-designer for many years, I have dealt with (with very sophisticated electronic devices, including navigation equipment for various safety devices as well as devices that help to navigate in space. I should mention that the technological level of systems through which people were sent to the moon is phenomenal. However, the navigation system, which is inserted into the brain of the monarch butterfly, and with the help of which it is able to create and perform its stunts in the migration process, shows that here we observe a higher level of technology. And it’s all packed into a brain the monarch butterfly, which is no bigger than a pinhead!

The Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle


The monarch butterfly is one of the most stunning of butterflies and is more so considered as a lead butterfly. This is what earns it the name monarch. This type of butterfly further has some amazing features which are discussed as follows.

The monarch butterfly goes through four stages during its life cycle. It also goes through four generations in a year. Furthermore, it starts its life as an egg which hatches into larvae known as caterpillar. It then progresses to pupa stage and at this point it is known as a chrysalis.

Thereafter, the chrysalis is what develops into an adult butterfly, and at this point the butterfly has wings and all other features.

In addition, the monarch butterfly lives through four generations. The final generation which happens in February and March is what starts the life cycle again. The monarch butterflies come out of hibernation at this time to find mates. During this time, they also move north and east to find a location to lay eggs, and this forms the first stage of the butterfly which also symbolises generation one.

The eggs are laid in milkweed plants during March and April where they hatch into caterpillars. The eggs also hatch in about four days after which the caterpillar feeds on the milkweed in order to grow. Furthermore, the caterpillar undergoes changes after two weeks, and it has to find a place to patch, normally on a leaf or stem, during the metamorphosis. It then transforms into a chrysalis.


The chrysalis undergoes rapid changes in just after 10 days. It then transforms into a butterfly. Likewise, the butterfly feeds on flowers and enjoys the rest of its short life which lasts from two to six weeks. The first generation dies shortly after laying eggs for the next.

Similarly, the second generation begins in May and June whereas the third generation starts in July and August. Each generation goes through the same life cycle of egg, larvae, pupa and adult before dying in about two to six weeks. One generation therefore lasts about six to eight weeks.

The fourth generation is born in September and October and has a matching life cycle. However, the monarch butterfly does not die after two to six weeks like the others. Instead, the butterfly migrates south to warmer climates like California and Mexico, and lives for six to eight months until it is time for generation one again.

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Facts about Monarch Butterfly

factsAre there any general facts about the monarch butterflies?

Monarch Butterflies are the kings in the world of butterflies. These are the only insects capable to overcome the vast distances of 2,500 miles to their wintering places in warm countries. During their lifetime, they have to face a lot of difficulties, since they cannot survive the cold weather, and the main source of food doesn’t grow in the wintering grounds.

What is the life cycle of monarch butterflies?

The monarchs spend their winter in southern California. In February or March, they wake up to start moving to the north. Shortly after waking up, they mate and lay their eggs on the plants.

The first generation of monarchs will be in the form of caterpillars. You can easily find them on the plants. Then they turn into pupae, well then in butterflies lay their larvae and immediately lost. Here is monarchs’ lifecycle. The second and the third generation follows the same cycle and lives for 2-6 weeks, gradually moving to the north.

The fourth generation is different from the first three. It is known as Methuselah, comes in September and lives for 6-9 months. Cold weather doesn’t allow them enough developed to lay eggs. This generation will migrate south during this time.

What are the peculiarities about the species?

The monarchs feed on plants and milkweed, which grows in a familiar environment in winter. This happens mostly because they have to migrate to the north. The thing is that the monarch’s caterpillar releases a toxin that protects against predators; they hunt almost nobody because monarchs don’t need camouflage. On the contrary, their bright color deters predators. While the caterpillars feed exclusively on latex, the adult butterfly can feed on nectar from flowers.

Monarchs face many obstacles in their struggle for survival. First of all, it is pesticides, which poison the agricultural crops. Agriculture and urbanization contribute to the destruction of plants, as they are considered. Logging and global warming are also detrimental to the butterfly, destroying their winter home.


Fortunately, these beautiful butterflies are protected from extinction. In many national parks and biosphere reserves they are provided protection by promoting proliferation of generations, as well as specially cultivated plants and flowers needed to these creatures. This tiny and beautiful insect – monarch butterfly – can perform migration flight over thousands of kilometers, reaching exactly the place it had never before been seen. For example, some monarchs fly from Nova Scotia (Canada) in the mountains, located in the west of Mexico City, sometimes a total distance of 5,000 kilometers. They fly not only in the same place where their ancestors migrated, but very often to the same tree!

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Butterfly items as a gift for a wedding anniversary

giftBy anniversary we mean a date that is remembered and celebrated for a special and notable event that occurred sometime back at the exact date. Who doesn’t love weddings? Weddings are very important and beautiful events worth remembering and celebrating. We have different types of wedding anniversary; silver anniversary, celebrating 25 years of marriage, golden anniversary, 50 years of marriage and diamond anniversary to celebrate 60 years of marriage.

A celebration cannot be complete without gifts. Gifts are items given to someone without any expectations of payment. Choosing a gift can be a task, you have to choose something beautiful. And we have a special tip for you – www.anniversarygiftsbyyear.org is a great recourse where you can find the present you are looking for! What is more beautiful than the monarch butterflies? Starting from their color, they are reddish-orange with black vine-like butterflies. Butterflies are beautiful. They bring the sense of nature. Think of the world without butterflies. This would mean fewer flowers, the world would be so dull.

Going for butterfly items during a wedding anniversary would a good choice. Like for example you would buy a jewelry in the shape of a butterfly; earrings, bracelets, necklaces, decors and hairclips. This items could go with the type of anniversary that is, if it is a silver anniversary you buy a silver item and on a golden anniversary buy a gold item.

Another good butterfly item would be items decorated with butterflies, clothing, cards, a cake, a clock wall, wrist watch etc. you can also choose to wrap you gift with wrappers decorated with butterflies. Giving flowers items with butterfly monuments hanging wouldn’t be a bad idea. What of you decorate the party venue with butterflies? All these would be good and fine ideas for gifts on a wedding anniversary celebration.

No single person wouldn’t love butterfly items for a gift. Butterflies are a presentation of love. Think of the butterflies you get in your tummy when in love.

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